Our Community Initiatives, Partnerships and Program
Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., an international organization comprised of 150,000 college-educated men, focuses on issues that impact the youth and our communities. Through its national mentoring program for males ages 8-18, the organization provides opportunities for the development of young men as they prepare for college and the workforce. The organization's partnerships with the American Cancer Society, March of Dimes, Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Boy Scouts of America and the Thurgood Marshall College Fund speaks to its mission to address societal ills including health disparities and educational and developmental opportunities for young males.
The Phi Beta Sigma programs of Bigger and Better Business, Education and Social Action are realized through the Fraternity's overarching program, Sigma Wellness.
Sigma Wellness is a Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated signature community initiative adopted at Conclave Charlotte 2007 and has the following objectives:
1. To support Sigma’s vision of ensuring programs are focused and committed to serving our communities and serving young males through mentoring and scholarships.
2. To ensure symmetry among all of our organizational and community initiatives.
3. To develop a sense of pride and commitment in the community toward healthy living that will reduce the incidence of health conditions that adversely affect men of color.
Sigma Wellness is our men’s health initiative designed to educate and inform our membership and the community about key health issues facing men of color. Engaging our communities through dialogue about overall quality of health and solutions to improve our well-being as men by addressing:
Living Healthy: Diet, Nutrition and Exercise
Living Fit: Obesity and Weight Control
Living Responsible: Reducing your Cancer Risk
Living Risk Free: Sexual Health
Living Balanced: Spiritual and Mental Health
(NEW) Living Financially Fit: Successful Money Management
Through this initiative we also provide a up to date local information, medical information , assistance for our local veterans and business services provided by members of our chapter